The Dirt Against the Dianic Tradition

I have heard that some of the bad old myths are still alive. I have decided to attack them head on this time.

1. Dianic Tradition is for lesbians only.
This is a myth that attempts to divide the women against each other. An old ploy. In the past it worked, but not anymore. Sexual orientation is of NO importance when you are learning a spiritual path. Women are women, you love whom you please. Naturally. Herstorically, when I have revived ancient Women’s Mysteries, there was about half and half, gay women and straight women, worshiping together. But since I have never asked who is sleeping with whom, this may be a few points off either way.

2. An all women’s circle is not balanced.
A very strange myth. As if having a penis in a circle would be balancing. Underlying this remark is hostility toward women because they claim their own space. Claiming anything without men seems to enrage men and make them spin lies. Women were ignored and their traditions buried deep, but since the seventies the tradition is reclaimed and it is very satisfying. Women can exhale psychically when with each other, be themselves. When you put men into the circle, both sexes act differently. Nobody is themselves. An all women circle is balanced excellently because psychic wholeness does not depend on genitalia.

3. Dianics can raise power but they don’t know how to send it.
This must be from a man who obviously had no experience observing this. Dianics are especially good at sending energy, and even partaking in political spells when women need protection. Our spells come true most of the time. We regularly hexed rapists and mass murders; men that were hexed didn’t get away with their crimes.

4. Dianics are man-haters.
This is the most powerful accusation to divide women. We all cringe when we hear it because what it says to us is that we are hating our own children. This is the result of women’s audacity for claiming our own space to worship our Goddess. We are the life givers, we are raisers of sons and daughters; there is nobody on earth who didn’t come from our wombs. How dare you be so insecure that you call your mamas such names! Men have their priesthoods, their popes and ayatollahs, they have their religious fanatics, Osama Bin Laden, and suicide bombers, their men-only clubs and an all pervasive boys networks. Men don’t call other men woman haters, but they should. It’s a strange misguided projection on the women indeed. To belittle women, call us names because we want to worship without men, is absurd.

One thought on “The Dirt Against the Dianic Tradition”

  1. Thank you for this, Z! I have heard all those arguments against the Dianic tradition AND feminism in general for a long time. Any time women come together, the established patriarchy gets nervous. This in itself should clue us in to the immense power that we, as women, can wield if we stick together! We can raise energy but not send it? Pah! Then why are men so afraid?

    As I have said many times–I don’t hate men. I hate male privilege. Unfortunately, many men don’t understand the difference between the two, and see every step forward for women as being a step backwards for them…as if justice and freedom come in finite amounts, and if one person is free, another must be enslaved, if one person is served justly by the law, another must lose his/her liberty.

    Every day, I thank the Goddess for my ability to see things more clearly as I grow older. I thank her for women like you, too, Z! Reading your words gives me strength. Blessings!


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